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Saturday, March 29, 2008

Credit Cards

A quote I like to go by,: "Credit is like drugs, instant gratification, longterm side-affects"!!!!!!!!!!
The credit-industry is as we all know all-mighty and powerfull with plenty of lobbyists in Washington , blocking anything that might be of hinderance to them ( in order to suck out more money out of the regular John and Jane Doe).
It is the only one (that I know of ,correct my if I am wrong please)that is NOT regulated, so they can set their own rates and fees, and regulations, let's see we have an annual fee, a late fee, over the limit fee, etc. etc.
Now they got something new again , watch this one carefully!!!!!!!!!
UNIVERSAL DEFAULT, (late with one credit card gives them a chance to jack up your payments and interest rates from e.g. 12 % to 21% overnite)for ALL YOUR credit-cards, no matter who the issuer is!
And with the average consumer creditcard outstanding right now at $8000.00 it doesnt look good!
If you do have a credit-card , the best thing is to pay it OFFFFFFFFFFFFFF.
Second of all, if you really need one keep the balans at 30-50% of the card total balans, e.g. $400 balance on a $1000 credit-limit!(I know this is tough, nowadays, but if you are here, please evaluate what Live is all about, even in the Bible they said , he whoever owes money is a slave to the master, DON'T BE A SLAVE ANYMORE!, become Debtfree!
Let me show you how,(instead of worrying day and night ,scared of picking up the phone, for bill-collectors,etc.)
Stay with me and let's do this together, one step at the time!

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